
Kobe Mountaineering Ski Club 伯耆大山 山スキー報告
ようこそいらっしゃいませ!! どうぞごゆっくりと!! 山スキーを楽しみましょう!! 入会をお待ちしております!!

日 時  2014年1月26日(日)
山域・場所  鳥取・伯耆大山
メンバー  Wasa,morimoto,Fujita,Yamamoto,Tamori,Imamura,Abel,Haru=8名
天 気  曇り後降雪
ルート  夏道登山口~六合目避難小屋~西沢~登山口~五号目~常行谷
スタイル <アルペン7名&ボード1名 
温 泉 <大山口シャト―おだか温泉


7:30 夏道を坪足で登行開始。雨で沈降した雪の上にうっすら新雪が積もっている。まるで春山状態。踏み固められた夏路でも、坪足では、結構な頻度で、ところどころ潜ってしまい、なかなか進みにくい。急斜面では、なおさらにペースが落ちる。休み休み進んで、なんとか、六合目避難小屋上に到着したのが9:40。


いつもはパウダーを堪能できるこのコースだが、今日は訓練と割り切り慎重に下っていく。水分をたっぷり含んだ重い雪に足を取られながらも、何とか滑り降り夏路に合流(10:50)。 2本目も坪足で夏道を進む(11:00)。5合目まで進むと風と雪が強くなり、この上の稜線に出るのは危険との判断から行者谷・元谷を諦め、常行谷滑降に予定変更する。5合目で板をつけて左側に飛び込む(12:35)。



六合西沢 ガスの中の滑降



Daisen January 26 2014
Caught a nightbus and met up with the other Kobe yama-ski members at the carpark near the climbing entrance of Mt Daisen. Wasa-san decided boot-packing was the best way up, so I left my skins and ski-crampons at the bottom. I took my ice-axe and crampons just in case, but I didn't use them in the end.

We were one of the first people to go up so climbing the steep parts was tough as our boots would often go deep into the patches of soft snow. It was still warm from the day before so we were hot until the 5th station. From the 5th point the route became exposed and the wind and snow picked up quickly and the temperature dropped suddenly. The wind and snow was painful when we stopped moving to change into ski mode in the exposed area.

First we dropped into the valley east of the climbing route. The snow was heavy powder, not sticky and with no crust. It was better than what we were expecting and we were happy. The tree run was perfect for the snowy weather and bad visibility.

We went up once more aiming for the sixth station of Daisen. We passed a few groups of climbers, who were all coming down, probably put off by the blizzard conditions near the top. Climbing up the second time round was much easier as the track had been packed down by many other climbers. We made it to around the 5th station and Wasa-san decided we should start going down and get out of the strong winds and driving snow. It was very cold, the left side of my damp jacket had become frozen. Also I wasn't feeling hot as I usually do when I climb in areas sheltered by trees. We switched into ski-mode on the climbing track, then dropped into the valley (常行谷) on the west side.

常行谷's snow was awesome. It was light fluffy powder, enough even for face-shots. It may have been picking up all the fresh snowfall that morning. It was the highlight of the day and lasted all the way down to the carpark, where the valley ended. Very convenient. However my legs were exhausted towards the end, trying to manouvre through the low angle runout of the valley. When I couldn't go on without the help of gravity and was forced to walk, my legs cramped up each step in the powder snow. Luckily it was only a few metres though. We finished quite early, around 1:30pm.

The conditions weren't perfect. The forecast was for rain the day before with temperatures falling quickly throughout the day, with rain/snow. I was not optimistic and one person cancelled. The ski resorts wouldn't have been good but the riding conditions on the mountain were quite good in the end.

Things I missed.Forgot to change the batteries in my gps and left the spares at the bottom, so gps became unusable half way through.by:abel

♣ ゲストブックへの書き込み ♣


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